2000年11月以「TAKE BACK 原來的我」一曲在美國出道。

接下來第二首單曲「Trust Your Love」remix版本打入美國告示牌綜合榜第19名,成為第7位打入此榜的日本藝人。之後陸續發行了「real Emotion 真實情感」「LOVE & HONEY」「Butterfly」「12週連續發行」「戀愛花蕾」「悲夢之歌」等。2005、06年分別發售的精選輯銷售量皆突破兩百萬張,2007年 12月在東京巨蛋舉行的演唱會也成功落幕。

2009年3月則與親生妹妹misono發行包含合唱曲的合作單曲「It's all Love!」,在兄弟‧姊妹組合中首次空降公信榜冠軍。2009年10月舉行首次的海外單獨演唱會‧台灣LIVE。2006~09年間,連續四年榮獲Best Jeanist獎;08年達成連續三年榮獲NailQueen「藝人部門」獎並登上名人堂。

2010年2月發行『BEST~third universe~ & 8th AL "UNIVERSE" 三度體驗~ 第三次精選~ & 8th AL "無限宇宙"』也獲得日本公信週榜冠軍,4月至6月舉行全國Arena巡迴演唱會。7月成功以首位日本女歌手之姿在橫濱體育場舉行2DAYS演唱會,其過程也是日本音樂演唱會中首次以3D播出。

2010年10月,發行首張翻唱專輯『ETERNITY 曠世情歌 ~Love & Songs~』。此外,在東京、大阪 兩地舉行總計4天,共16場Billboard演唱會。同年12月,於東京巨蛋舉行10周年最終演唱會「KODA KUMI 10th Anniversary ~FANTASIA~」。日本女歌手第7人。自2007年以來,慣例舉行第2次公演動員47000人的門票即刻完售。非常成功。2011年3月,發行第9張原創專輯「Dejavu 實境夢遊」。於日本公信週榜拿下冠軍。

同年4月,舉行暌違4年的全國Hall巡迴演唱會「Koda Kumi Live Tour 2011 ~Dejavu~」。各場次門票皆SOLD OUT!

同年5月,發行紀念10周年於東京巨蛋舉行之演唱會影像「倖田來未 10周年紀念~FANTASIA~東京巨蛋演唱會」。日本公信週榜拿下冠軍。「冠軍總獲得次數」「連續奪得冠軍年數」、「作品分類歷代DVD女歌手累積銷售量冠軍」榮獲3項冠軍!同年8月發行紀念性第50張單曲「4, TIMES 肆情時刻」,接著於9月發行第51張單曲「不要停止愛我」。2012年1月(日本),發行第10張專輯「JAPONESQUE 絢爛大和」。拿下公信週榜冠軍。「專輯連續奪得冠軍年數」奪得單人歌手第3名!

同年2月,發行全日本Hall巡迴演唱會「Koda Kumi Live Tour 2011 ~Dejavu~ 倖田來未 2011巡迴演唱會 ~實境夢遊~」。同年3月,發行暢銷混音專輯系列「Driving Hit's 4 飆速快感混音極選4」,8月發行收錄新歌的混音專輯「Beach Mix 熱浪快感混音極選」。10月24日(日本)更發行第53張單曲「Go to the top」。收錄為動畫「TOTAL ECLIPSE」片頭曲正隨著動畫開播熱力播放中。

此外,11月7日起將從大阪城Hall開始,在東京、名古屋、福島舉行特別演唱會「Koda Kumi Premium Night~Love & Songs~」。另外,不僅止於歌手活動,也發表寫真集和攝影隨筆集等,以流行指標之姿涉足各領域向多方面發展。至今發行52張單曲、10張原創專輯、4張精選專輯、1張翻唱專輯、以及10張演唱會DVD。(張數以日本發行為準)

In November 2000, Koda debuted with "TAKE BACK" in the U.S.

It was reached #18 on the U.S. billboard charts and in the following month, she debuted in Japan.
The remix ver. of her second single, "Trust Your Love", was reached #19 on the U.S. billboard all-genre music charts and she became the 7th Japanese singer to be ranked in the criteria. Following her second single, she released "real Emotion", "LOVE&HONEY", "Butterfly", "Koi No Tsubomi", "Yume No Uta" and so on. Koda also accomplished "12 Singles Project" in which for twelve consecutive weeks, she released one single per week that was historic first. In 2005 and 2006, Best Albums were released and each album sold more than 2 million copies! Her concert which was held at TOKYO DOME in December, 2000 became a great success.

In March 2009, Koda released a single, collaboration with her younger sister Misono, debuted atop the Oricon, making the sisters the first siblings to have a single top the chart in its initial week. In October 2009, Koda held her fist oversea solo live concert in Taiwan.

Year 2010 is her 10th anniversary year. Koda was going to release a new best album collecting all the singles; however she wished that she could still evolve and grow bigger as a singer. With her strong wish, Koda challenged releasing "BEST〜 third universe〜 & 8th AL "UNIVERSE", a new original and a best album packaged together, which was charted #1 on Oricon weekly charts.

By April, 2010, Koda has released 10 DVDs, 8 original albums, 4 best albums, and 46 single CDs.

Not only Koda maintains energetic activities as a singer, but she also challenges different kinds of works; she has released a photo book, "MAROC", and a photo essay "KODA-SHIKI".

Koda has been winning awards for being a new trendsetter in Japan, including the "Best Jeanist Award" every year from 2006 till 2009 and the title of "Nail Queen" for her nail art by Japan Nail Expo for 3 years continuously and awarded the Hall of Fame in 2008.