Lucky Soul

The Great Unwanted
2009/04/30 | AVICD60600/A
終於…又有甜美的樂團出現了!英倫最好評 日本大轟動 Feel-Good樂派掌門人。甜美單純、讓人無法招架的音樂幸運星。登上英國排行3大單曲。《Add Your Light To Mine, Baby 多看我ㄧ眼》進軍英倫樂壇 日本電台稱霸的首支單曲。《Lips Are Unhappy 嘴唇不開心》復古甜美 閃亮迷人的第二支單曲《My Brittle Heart 我易碎的心》英式搖滾搭上弦樂 還有難忘迷人的唱腔 。
1 Add Your Light To Mine, Baby
2 One Kiss Don't Make A Summer
3 Struck Dumb
4 Lips Are Unhappy
5 My Darling, Anything
6 Get Outta Town!
7 The Great Unwanted
8 Baby I'm Broke
9 My Brittle Heart
10 Ain't Never Been Cool
11 The Towering Inferno
12 It's Yours
13 The Last Song